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Who we are

a global coalition of lively, respected, and like-minded organizations and experts, determined to bend the curve
ecological overshoot - human numbers, appetites, and mindsets 
We don't always agree on everything - but advancing solutions together is more important than perfect agreement.

ALERT: We do not agree or associate with eco-nativist or anti-immigration groups. Human migration is happening: we'd best be prepared and positive.  

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Volunteers & associates
skip straight to Advisory Board

Chief executive officer

Chief executive officer

Pam Pence

Pam, Stable Planet's focal point in our collaborative leadership team, is a dedicated humanity and Earth advocate, applying her business, operations, generative discussions facilitator and guide skills...

Intern - social media

Intern - social media

Agnes Wangui Irungu

Agnes Irungu offered her services as a volunteer social media intern and kiSwahili/ Kikuyu translator to Stable Planet Alliance and GirlPlanet.Earth. She grew up in Kenya's rural highlands, watching climate change...

Associate - social media

Associate - social media

Josh Mirondo

Josh is a Ugandan blogger, social media influencer, digital marketer and photographer with a degree in public administration. He uses digital media effectively to advocate for girls' and women's rights, autonomy...

Associate - feminist history

Associate - feminist history

Sharon Spaulding

Sharon Spaulding is an historian and researcher specializing on early feminist and suffragists. Sharon is at work on a book about Mary Ware Dennett’s court trial and publishes the newsletter “Women Make History...

Associate - writer

Associate - writer

N.R. (Niki) Baker

Author NR (Niki) Baker is an explorer. She doesn’t have Sherpas or a frozen moustache, she’s just got incurable wanderlust. Whether it’s the mountains of Albania, the islands of Indonesia or jungles of Guatemala,...

Executive Team - systems

Executive Team - systems

Andrew Gaines

Andrew is the instigator of Inspiring Transition, a citizen-led educational movement to inspire mainstream commitment to doing everything required to transition to a kind, ecologically sustainable...

Associate - land & food

Associate - land & food

Chaya Sarathchandra

Dr. Chaya Sarathchandra is an interdisciplinary conservation ecologist with a PhD from Kunming Institute of Botany, China. She now works as a RCEES-CAS postdoc with deep interest and expertise in land use...

Associate - men's dialogues

Associate - men's dialogues

David Pedersen

David, our associate gender inclusion strategist on Men's Dialogues, is a Danish strategist with nonprofits working on food systems and animals in the Anthropocene. He helped set up, an organization...

Associate - writer

Associate - writer

Carole Douglis

Carole Douglis is a science and technical writer, digital content manager, and presentation training expert helping mission-driven organizations reach their goals. She is known for turning mind-numbing data into clear and useful...

Strategist - social media

Strategist - social media

Kathleen Sweeney

Kathleen Sweeney, WordCityStudio founder and Associate Professor at The New School, New York, works at the intersection of digital art, girls and social change. Her book Maiden USA: Girl Icons Come of Age is...

Executive Team messaging

Executive Team messaging

Ann Bustamante

Ann sees that we are only the stewards of our collective actions, we need all of us to achieve environmental integrity. She brings experience in environment consulting, community resilience and

Associate - global policy

Associate - global policy

Noa Steiner

Noa Steiner is a global policy strategist. Previously BirdLife International's global policy coordinator, UNEP-WCMC's Programme Officer, and the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection's Coordinator of Open...

Associate - social justice

Associate - social justice

Simon Ticehurst

Simon is Advocacy and Movements Lead at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, one of our founding member organizations. Before joining WEAll, Simon was Oxfam International’s Regional Director for Latin America...

Associate - youth journalism

Associate - youth journalism

Gresë Sermaxhaj

Gresë is a Kosovan journalist writing about young changemakers, society and social and technological change for Youth Time Magazine. Her degree is in Political Science at the University of Prishtina, Kosovo,...

Strategic communications

Strategic communications

Steve Kent

Stephen Kent is the president of KentCom LLC, a public interest and public policy PR practice he founded in 1988. It serves global, national, regional and community-based NGOs, especially on peace and...

Chief connections officer

Chief connections officer

Julia Dederer

Julia empowers leaders dedicated to transforming the challenges of our time. She has worked in transformational education for 40 years in organizational development, leadership development, group...

Associate - law and ethics

Associate - law and ethics

Karin Kuhlemann

Karin Kuhlemann is a Brazilian-born lawyer and PhD candidate at University College London. She holds degrees in law, politics, and life sciences. Karin’s dissertation focuses on the human right to procreate...

Associate - screenwriter

Associate - screenwriter

Robert P. Johnson

Robert P. Johnson is a filmmaker, author and collaborator on the 2017 paper, “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice” which, with over 20,000 signatories from 184 countries, is the most...

Associate - social process

Associate - social process

Charlene Andrade

Charlene is a senior watershed planner and scientist with deep, wise experience in US government agencies. A good listener and adept resolver of conflict-prone stakeholder processes, she facilitates complex...

Staff and associates

Advisors and patrons
skip straight to Staff and Associates

Advisory board

Advisor - implementation

David A. Hindin

David Hindin is using his legal, behavioral science, leadership, and storytelling expertise to address human overshoot, especially exposing the myth that technology innovation (e.g. green energy) by itself...


Advisor - co-founder

Chris Tucker

Dr Chris Tucker is a co-founder of Stable Planet Alliance, author of A Planet of Three Billion, and Chair of the American Geographical Society. Chris advocates for increased investment in women and girls not only as...


Advisor - climate

Elise Buckle

Elise Buckle is President and CEO of Climate & Sustainability, based near Geneva, Switzerland. Co-founder of SHE Changes Climate, facilitator of the Planetary Emergency Partnership and other initiatives, Elise is...


Advisor - repro health

Susan Allen

Susan Allen, MD, MPH, is a Professor in the Schools of Medicine and Public Health at Emory University in Atlanta, and founder of the Rwanda-Zambia Health Research Group. Since 1986 Dr Allen and colleagues...


Advisor - rewilding

Amy Lewis

Amy is WILD Foundation's Acting Co-President, and has spent the last 15 years researching building blocks of collective action. She has brought this knowledge into her award-winning nonprofit leader and as a scholar of....


Advisor - media

Bill Ryerson

Bill is founder and President of the highly acclaimed Population Media Center, which strives to improve the health and wellbeing of people around the world through the use of entertainment-education strategies...


Advisor - overshoot

Suzanne York

Suzanne York is the director of Transition Earth. She has reported on international human rights, globalization, and environmental issues for nearly three decades. She focuses on the interconnectedness...


Advisor - consumption

Maurie Cohen

Sustainable production and consumption specialist Maurie J. Cohen is Professor of Sustainability Studies and Chair of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology....


Patron - overshoot

Bill Rees

Dr Bill Rees - human ecologist, ecological economist, professor emeritus and former director of University of British Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning in Vancouver, Canada - is famous as...


Patron - global policy

Bill Moomaw

Bill Moomaw is Professor Emeritus of International Environmental Policy at the Fletcher School, Tufts University and works tirelessly at the intersection of global change and Earth systems science and policy..


Advisor - pronatalism

Nandita Bajaj

Nandita is Executive Director of Population Balance, a non-profit that educates about—and offers solutions to address—impacts of human overpopulation and over-consumption on the planet, people, and animals...


Advisor - everything

Oying Rimon

Jose "Oying" G. Rimon II is Director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and concurrent Principal Investigator...


Advisor - women

Alisha Graves

Alisha Graves is Executive Director of OASIS at University of California, Berkeley. Alisha lectures internationally on population and food security in the Sahel. She was a research fellow for Project Drawdown...


Advisor - systems

Elizabeth Essien

Dr Lizzy Andrew-Essien is a professor of systems ecology at the University of Calabar, Nigeria. She works on ecosystem resilience and how social/ industrial processes facilitate economic, urban and infrastructure growth...


Advisor - media

Rachel Donald

Rachel Donald is a climate corruption journalist, exposing the greenwashing policies facilitating climate change in industry and politics. She hosts Planet: Critical, the podcast for a world in crisis, interviewing experts on...


Advisor - sustainability

Vicki Robin

Vicki Robin is a well known and prolific social innovator, cultural scout, writer and speaker. She hosts the YouTube podcast interview series, What Could Possibly Go Right?, inviting cultural scouts to shine a light...


Advisor - media

John R Bowey

Filmmaker and multimedia director John Bowey works on big-picture issues challenging society today, from conflict resolution, identity and history, to sustainability, biodiversity, climate change, justice, health...


Advisor - founding CEO

Phoebe Barnard

Global change, population and community scientist and filmmaker, Prof Phoebe Barnard has a vision of a wiser, kinder civilization and a still-diverse planet supporting it. With 34 years in African development...


Patron - wisdom

Lora Pennington

Lora Pennington is a respected cultural teacher, elder of the Upper Skagit tribe in the Salish Sea region bridging northwest USA and southwest Canada, and teacher of Lushootseed, Chief Seattle's language...


Patron - co-founder

Peter Fiekowsky

Peter is a co-founder of Stable Planet Alliance, an MIT-educated physicist and Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist. He has 30 years’ experience as a citizen lobbyist for poverty and climate issues, and...


Advisor - gender

Cécile Ndjebet

Cécile Ndjebet was awarded the Wangari Maathai Forest Champions Award, the UN Champion of the Earth and Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity. She is president of REFACOF, the African Women's Network for Community Forest...


Advisor - economies

Amanda Janoo

Amanda Janoo is the Wellbeing Economy Alliance’s (WEAll’s) knowledge and policy lead. She is an economic policy expert with rich experience with governments and global development institutions...


Advisor - gender

Abidemi Raji

Dr Abi Raji is a young community ecologist and educator passionate about biodiversity conservation, people and their relationship with the environment. She works on ecosystem services, land-use impacts...


Advisor - population

Chidera Benoit

Chidera Benoit is the Founder and Executive Director of Population Explosion Awareness Initiative (PEA Initiative), an indigenous Nigerian non-profit dedicated to raising awareness about the exponential rate...


Advisor - law

Laura Aghwana

Laura is a goal-driven lawyer and barrister in Nigeria with the zeal to build a better world with her practice of law and policy research. She is passionate about practical legal solutions in law, litigation, public policy...


Advisor - media

Wana Udobang

Wana Udobang is a writer, poet, performer and storyteller in Lagos and London who has performed around the world. Wana has freelanced with The Guardian, Aljazeera, CNN, Observer and produced and hosted...


Advisor - media

Terry Spahr

Terry Spahr directs Earth Overshoot, a nonprofit dedicated to making nature and its resources central to personal and public decisionmaking through targeted education and advocacy. Spahr, a filmmaker,...


Patron - global change

Will Steffen (d.)

The late Will Steffen (1947-2023) was an intellectual patron of Stable Planet Alliance and among the most influential thinkers on overshoot of the past century. Will was a godfather of the ‘stable planet’ paradigm...


Patron - philosopher

Carl Safina

Dr Carl Safina’s writings explore how we are changing the natural world and what this means for human and non-human beings. Carl sees that the durability of human dignity and survival of the natural world will...


Advisor - demography

Karen Hardee

Dr. Karen Hardee is president and CEO of Hardee Associates. She has a PhD in social demography from Cornell University, and >30 years of international technical and leadership experience working with...


Advisor - civilization

Eileen Crist

Eileen is Associate Professor Emerita of Science, Technology, and Society at Virginia Tech. She holds a BA and PhD in Sociology. Her work focuses on the ecological crisis and its root causes and pathways toward...


Advisor - justice

Carter Dillard

Carter's ethics, legal and policy career started with the US Dept of Justice, and his thesis and 2021 book "Justice as a Fair Start in Life" reframed the right to have children in inter-generational and child-centric...


Advisor - behavior

Joseph Merz

Joseph brings a background of various industries, including marketing, to the Merz Institute and its Overshoot Behavior Lab, which is addressing ecological overshoot at a behavioral level...


Advisor - behavior

Linda W. Chang

Psychologist Linda Chang works on behavior change as it affects sustainability, consumption, climate change and inequality. She has a Harvard psychology PhD, Yale BA, and Behavior Change for Good Initiative at the Wharton School of...


Advisor - revenues

Julie Steelman

Julie is an award-winning photographer who hopes that her images soothe viewers' souls, to feel and love the essence of nature’s glory.  She empowers women to make savvy, values-based investment decisions...


Advisor - population

Philip Cafaro

Dr. Phil Cafaro is a philosophy professor focused on environmental ethics and preserving wild nature. Past president of the International Society for Environmental Ethics, Phil hosted The Population Factor...


Patron - faiths

Paul van Engen

Dutch journalist, author, editor and founding CEO of Right Now!, Paul van Engen is mobilizing 1.5 bn followers of global faith leaders, calling on humanity to take urgent, radical, responsible action on the...


Patron - drawdown

Richard Heinberg

Richard is Senior Fellow of Post Carbon Institute, andregarded as one of the world’s foremost advocates for a shift away from our current reliance on fossil fuels. He is the author of fourteen books, including some of...

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